



Community Savings

Christmas Club

*Youth Savings

Money Market

Minimum Opening Balance





Monthly Maintenance Fee

$4.00 (You can avoid the fee with a minimum balance of $200.00)



$8.00 (You can avoid the fee with a minimum balance of $2,000.00)

Check Writing Limitations


Transaction Limitations

1 2 1 1

Excessive Withdrawal fee

3   3 3

Auto Transfer required into account





Interest Bearing

5 5 5 5

Mobile Banking

Online Banking

Images with Statement


1)Transfers from account to another account or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, telephone transfers, or online transfers are limited to six per statement cycle

2)A $30 penalty will be charged for account closure or for each withdrawal prior to November disbursement.

3)An excessive transaction fee of $8.00 will be charged for each debit transaction (withdrawal, check paid, automatic transfer or payment out of this account) in excess of six during a statement cycle

4)Must Set up with an auto transfer from another MCCB account at least monthly

5)Rate Information:

- Determination of Rate: At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.  

- Frequency of Rate Changes: We may change the interest rate on your account at anytime

- Limitations on Rate Changes: There are no maximum or minimum interest rate limits for this account.

- Compounding and Crediting: Interest will be compounded daily and will be credited to the account quarterly for savings, monthly for money market and annually for Christmas Club.

*Must be under 18 years of age and a parent or legal guardian must sign with minor.

Contact Us

Madison County Community Bank
301 E. Base St.
P.O. Box 834
Madison, FL 32341
Tel: (850) 973-2400
Send a Message


Taylor County Community Bank
1405 S. Jefferson St.
P.O. Box 382
Perry, FL 32348
Tel: (850) 371-7000


©2024 Madison County Community Bank.
Routing #: 063114645
NMLS #: 403330